Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Twitter Welcome

Dear Tweeple!

A little while ago, I read Will Wheaton's twitter intro and I thought it would be a good idea. Mostly because there are some things that one can't say in 140 characters, and I feel there are some warnings that I should probably get out the way before you follow me (now that I have nearly 140 followers, it seems somehow poetic).

1) I like Formula 1. Correct that: I like motorsports, but F1 is the only one to which I currently have reliable access. Okay, fine, I'm a fanatic; I would describe myself as an evangelical F1 fan. Occasionally, during a lull in conversation, I'll start babbling about it. It's unfortunate, but (it would seem) unavoidable. If you're not an F1 fan, please feel free to either ignore my F1 tweets or ask questions about stuff you don't understand (because I do truly love talking about it. So much so that I sign up to guest post on other blogs).

2) I love having conversations with followers. I may take a while to get back to you if you @ reply me, but I do love discussions. (I try to check twitter a few times per day, but sometimes this isn't possible, given my lack of internet connectivity at home.)

3) I have divergent interests. You may find yourself with tweets in your feed about politics, religion, botany/ecology, writing, food, etc. As with the F1 point, if you find it boring...

4) If you retweet/refer to my tweets, please mention me (as in, put "@sfbrij" somewhere in the tweet)? I like to know what people are interested in (and thus RTing/commenting on), so I can tweet more of that.

5) (And this is possibly the most important) I have occasional bouts of rather colourful language. I apologise for this. Still, I assume a minimum age on my blog and twitter feed (if you're under 18 and are wondering whether you should be here, ask your parents if they're okay with my content. I don't want to get in trouble with them), so I run under the assumption that we're all grown-ups and can handle it.

Anyway, thank you for following me!

Brij x

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